Friday, September 03, 2004

Well, I Did It Again...

and I feel like a blethering, daft idiot. I just lost the original post I just typed. Son of a...ahem, gun. This totally sucks because, well, it was such a well-written'll just have to trust me.

In the post I lost, I was venting about my cable modem...well, connection really. Now that I've gotten it off my chest (in the post you can't read because I lost it) I don't feel like rehashing, so I'll just get on with my knitting news...

In knitting news, I am happy to announce that I've reached the 61st row on the hood of my Rogue. Approximately 20 or so more rows to go before I have to graft that sucker together and get started on the sleeves. Naturally, I've tried it on and it looks great, if I do say so, myself. I made mine longer than called for (has to do with a European grandmother always emphasizing to cover my kidneys and bum in the winter) and I'm quite comfortable with the length. Actually, I think it would be hard to go wrong with anything you chose to alter on the pullover, it's such a versatile pattern. I'm seriously thinking of making the cardigan version next. I shall see about getting a pic posted sometime soon.

Pardon me while I save what I've written so far as a draft....

Well, it won't let me save as a draft, so I hope I don't get an itchy trigger finger and have this post vanish into internet oblivion, as well.

In other knitting news, I'm eagerly anticipating the Waterloo Knitter's fair next Saturday. I went last year for the first time and was planning to go again before I left the building.

A post from Knitter's Review about whether you have family or friends read your blog caught my interest. I know my son and my husband has read my blog...haven't told anyone else in my family yet, though. So, this got me thinking as to how I could welcome them to my blog. So, I came up with a business card that I'll give to them during Christmas. I know my mother will get a hoot out of it.


Beth said...

Here's something I've started doing to avoid "losing" my posts that's really easy and not a big pain like writing it in a word processing program and cutting/pasting. When I'm ready to post, (or sometimes part way through, whenever I want to "save" it) I just hightlight the whole thing, right click and choose "copy". Then I hit the "Publish/Flush Down The Toilet" button. If it doesn't Publish, and instead Flushes Down the Toilet, I can just right click again and choose "Paste" and it will all be there. And if it just refuses to Publish, then you can paste it into another document and save it for later. It's saved my butt several times, enough that I now almost always remember to do it.

I feel your pain.

Michelle said...

Great idea. I'll apply it every time I post from now on! Thanks.