Sunday, May 03, 2009


you have to tell yourself to have that extended holiday...even though it's from many long suffering, half knit projects. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder, aye?

So, that's what I'm doing. I'm sure I'll get my other projects completed, eventually. In the meantime, I need to move on or not craft at all and that's not an option. I like to feel passionate about a project in the works and this one has struck its arrow through my heart.

Halfbred Wool Slivers from Aurelia Wool & Weaving in Black All Sorts colour.

Singles on bobbin.

2-plied and skeined into light fingeringweight goodness.

The beginnings of the Featherweight Cardigan.

This project is giving me that satisfied feeling. Too bad the next two or three days will be all about working on our roof. *Sniffle*

Have a good one and knit on!


Amanda D Allen said...

That is just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

oh wow--that is gorgeous! the spinning and the fibre :)

Marlene said...

I absolutely LOVE that close-up of the work in progress. I really MUST spin some up the way you did. It is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Oh la la!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Sometimes we need to be bad and just throw caution to wind, start a new project. :) Okay, I'm totally just looking for confederates in my army of not finishing things. :) It looks beautiful though and think what a lovely cool summer evening/early fall sweater it will be? You're being practical, really. ;) Believing me yet? LOL!

Monica aka Gloria Patre said...

I always have trouble picturing how a multi colored fiber will look spun up, never mind knit up. Thanks for the educational (and beautiful) photos! I have 7 pounds of a similarly structured multi fiber I haven't looked at in 2 years! Now I'm excited to spin it!
Yours is so beautiful! It reminds me of the multi-aurora colors on black feathers or oil on water! Gorgeous!

Northmoon said...

Beautiful. I'm resisting getting into spinning due to lack of time, but your transformation of that roving is tempting me!