Wednesday, September 25, 2024

It's Too Cruel...

 2024 has been beyond heartbreaking. I'm in so much emotional agony. 

On March 23, 2024, I had a knock at my door. It was the police to notify me that my forty-two year old son had passed away. It was a shock. I had just talked with him. It couldn't be possible. It was quick. A heart attack. He was hospitalized in 2020 at the beginning of Covid. He was in an induced coma to allow his lungs heal from the virus. I could not visit because of Covid. He survived, but new conditions plagued his health. He was a hard worker. A funny, very sensitive and caring man. A joy to raise. My greatest champion of my knitting and spinning.  How I miss him liking my posts of another finished object. My love for him cannot be put into words. His loss has brought a huge void into my life. I miss talking to him everyday. I miss seeing his handsome face. I miss him. My heart aches for him.

Now, exactly six months later, on September 24, 2024 at 7:30am after a brief illness, my husband died in my arms in the ICU. Eight days after we celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary in the hospital. We were together everyday for 23 years. This man was our protector. Our rock. A hard worker. He brought the calm to our world. To think this good man picked me. Chose me to love forever. Wooed me with coffee. My other champion of my knitting and spinning. I am honoured. Now I am shattered. My world is empty. Now it is just my daughter and myself. It's too cruel. I don't know how to go on without him. Make me smile. Dance with me in the kitchen. Hold me close. Comfort me. Rub my feet. Call me his Love Blossom.  It's all over in the blink of an eye. 

My devotion and love will never die. I will continue to honour you. Love you. Cherish you. Until my last breath, my love. My heart. 


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Knitting Through a Heatwave

is possible. It's not comfortable. Sweaty fingers will slow you down. Litres of various beverages will be consumed, which in turn keeps you sweaty. Wash, rinse, repeat. All worth it, though. Yes. Definitely. 

Now I'm just debating on whether I will start the sleeves before the body, or visa versa. Thoughts?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Throwback Yarn for a Throwback Cardigan

Stash dived and found some vintage Knitpicks Wool of the Andes Tonal to knit The Throwback during some hot, muggy weather. I haven't knit a sweater/cardigan in quite some time.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Winter Months...

Get things done. I'm currently in the midst of yet another snow storm and my daughter's 5th snow day from school within the last two weeks. Lucky kid. So, much knitting time on my hands...or in my hands. ;)

I just finished this last night. Game of Tones shawl. I love it and look forward to using it. It's very soft, using Knitpicks Chroma Twist fingering in Groovy (unfortunately discontinued) and Knitpicks Stroll Bare Glimmer. It's hard to see the glimmer in the pic, but trust me, it's shimmery and lovely. 

Water for the Elephants socks for my friend. She is wonderful and deserving.  Knit using Knitpicks Stroll in Pumpkin and Knitpicks Stroll Glimmer in Peacock.

 I decided to change the elephant's trunk to turn up for luck and also placed the elephant motif on the top of each foot.
Again, I love the Glimmer and it's not scratchy at all. Very soft.

Now to finish some socks and fingerless mitts.

Knit on...

Friday, August 10, 2018


Just look at my project progress bars in my sidebar. 


I want to knit all the things.

I just can't finish all the things. 

I mostly get to the 50% completed stage. Then I'm like a duck attracted to all the shiny and cast on another. I suppose I need to live up to my name, but at what point do I go from always casting on to I can't wait to wear my hand-knitted (insert knitted article of choice here), today! 

The project I'm currently really enamoured with is the Game of Tones shawl by Stitchnerd Designs. I will admit, (I am a reluctant Game of Thrones fan -- I just don't like to jump on the bandwagon) that it was the name of the shawl that caught my attention as opposed to the actual design. I always like to have several snuggly shawls about the house to throw on when the chill sets in -- they're just so cosy -- and hence proceeded to shamelessly chuck my other wip's to the side.

The planning commenced. I thoroughly enjoy the planning process. I scored some discontinued Knit Picks Chroma Twist in Groovy and paired it with Knit Picks Bare Stroll Glimmer, both in fingering weight. I got everything prepared so I could work on it during a three hour car ride to a wedding. It's a simple knit with a fabulous effect. The glimmer is wonderful and makes the shawl twinkle in the light. I love it. 

I love it and yet it's now sitting on my table waiting for me to pick it up to finish. 😞

Granted, it has be hotter than Hades. Anyone else have this problem? Am I just weird? 

Don't answer that.

I've also been sewing. I want to make it clear right off the start that I hate sewing, though I do appreciate the fact that I was able to learn the basics in home-ec class in school. 

I have a very old sewing machine. Made in Poland. Heavy -- as in hernia inducing heavy. I bought it when I was fourteen years old...just because. It has followed this haterofsewingthings throughout all these years. I'm fifty-mumble-mumble. BUT! I loved all these project bags I've been seeing some wonderful knitter's using. Cute drawstring bags with delightful patterned fabrics. So, I bought some fabric, looked up some tutorials then dusted off and oiled good ole' Matilda. (My maternal great-grandmother's name) and because there are just some things you will never forget how to do, this happened...

Three Small Sock Sacks.

A medium Lil Knot Bag

They are really stinking cute!

and lastly, my version of a Field Bag. I'm quite proud of this one. My first time using french seams!

We also have a new tyrannical kitty, named Echo. 

My beautiful Miku passed suddenly a year ago from saddle thrombus.

Hmmmm, almost four years to the day that I last blogged. Maybe I should change my blog name to The Leap Year blogger. lol

Stay strong. Knit on.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Oops, We Did it Again

She's growing on us. She is also an incessantly barking dog, so I don't need to change my "About Me" on Blogger. We've had her since mid April and she just turned 14 months old.

I'm also knitting. I hope to finish this pair of socks for my mother.

These are Lingerie from Knitty First Fall 2011, by Maria Näslund. Very pretty. The heel is a pain in the ass, though.

I also very excitedly joined the Outlander MKAL that's being hosted by Jimmy Beans Wool on Ravelry.  Designer is Rachel Roden. Having been a devoted fan of the series since it was first published in 1991 and anticipating the "OMG, I've been waiting forever for this to happen" tv series, I could not pass this up! Aye!

Yarn is Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sport in the two limited edition colours dyed especially for this MKAL in Beauchamps (blue/green) and Fraser.

Clue 3 is out tomorrow morning. Oddly enough, still haven't seen the first episode of Outlander. It finally airs this Sunday here in Canada. Glad I had the project to not feel completely left out.

I've completed other projects. Just wasn't much in the mood to talk about them. Then, didn't have much time to talk about anything since we added a new dog to the pack.

Maybe that'll change.

Maybe not.