Monday, November 27, 2006

You Spin Me Right Round...

Or, what I've learned in the last twenty-four hours about spinning.

First, a little pic of Quig's all put together...

When I was finally ready to start spinning, Quig's was set up to use Double Drive. I found it difficult to keep up with the twist and to draft evenly, even with very slow treadling and adjusting the tension. This is to be expected considering this was my first ever attempt at spinning at a wheel. LOL So, I thought I would fill a bobbin [or close enough to full for me and my impatience] using the double drive and then switch to scotch tension, A.K.A. single drive.

What a difference for me. I can keep up with the twist, my drafting is much more even, the treadling is easier and I'm relaxed while spinning. So to celebrate, I broke out the colourful top and I'm a spinning fool. I have so much to learn still, but for now, I'm just going to enjoy my newbie spinning experience.

In knitting news, I have started the sleeve for Telemark. I'm going to have to find a nice balance between spinning and knitting.

Have a good one and Keep on knitting...


Marlene said...

Perhaps it's just me, but I find balance very difficult. I tend to be obsessed with one project at a time. Right now it's the stocking, but that is sort of a deadline induced forced focus.

Otherwise I have found I'm most comfortable having specific times/places for the spinning and others for the knitting. I knit during the day when no one is around and I can concentrate. I spin at night while my husband watches TV in the same room. It's my compromise for "togetherness" that might not otherwise happen as I'd much rather do creative things than sit in front of a TV.

Samantha said...

Telemark looks beautiful! Great wheel. I don't know anything about spinning, but your wheel is beautiful. :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! You've just taken life to a whole new level girl! Way to go...the fiber looks awesome!