Gotta say, I had a good laugh, but when a burger franchise gets into marketing body spray with a hint of meat (that fricking kills me), it just about makes me want to go off of burgers (or just meat for that matter) for life.
I am torn between two sentiments: 1 - is this what you do in the present economy, when you can not afford meat? 2 - spraying a peanut butter sandwich and saying - but it is meat, just smell it.
Wha??! gag.
this is wrong on so many levels.
Huh? I'm a vegetarian, so that perfume would be the equivalent of repellent...isn't this world amazing sometimes?
Sadly, I think my husband would be waay into that. Thank goodness I am vegetarian.
I am torn between two sentiments:
1 - is this what you do in the present economy, when you can not afford meat?
2 - spraying a peanut butter sandwich and saying - but it is meat, just smell it.
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